The served markets in the section of the Precision Components range from mainly the Toolmaking for the Perforating and Pressing Technique across the Mould and Die Construction up to the Forming Technique.
In this operational point of view ACRIVIS trades on the one hand in general Marketstandards. But on the other hand the focus in this business activities is laying indeed on the Development and Secondary Distribution of your Special Tool Components and Precision Tools with highest production conditioned requirements.
This means that the customers in the industrial areas Automotive, Electronics, Buildings and Furnishings Metal Fittings, Perforated Metal Plates Manufacturing, Filtration Components, Shaping of Sheets and not least the Injection Moulding and Die Casting such as Machine- and Equipments-Building obtain from ACRIVIS Standardized Tool Kits but for the main part specifically for the customer made Precisionmechanically Problem Solvings.
In this operational point of view ACRIVIS trades on the one hand in general Marketstandards. But on the other hand the focus in this business activities is laying indeed on the Development and Secondary Distribution of your Special Tool Components and Precision Tools with highest production conditioned requirements.
This means that the customers in the industrial areas Automotive, Electronics, Buildings and Furnishings Metal Fittings, Perforated Metal Plates Manufacturing, Filtration Components, Shaping of Sheets and not least the Injection Moulding and Die Casting such as Machine- and Equipments-Building obtain from ACRIVIS Standardized Tool Kits but for the main part specifically for the customer made Precisionmechanically Problem Solvings.